Nickname: Marcus
Species: Strigoi
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual
Height: 6'4"
Hair Color: Brown
Eyes: Brown
He decided that he would take her whether she wanted him or not. It was for more for the sake of his wounded ego than anything, but there was a part of him that believed if he broke her enough that he could convince her and her people to turn away from their false gods. For many weeks he had his way with her, but eventually he was called back home. He left Marcus' mother with his seed quickening inside her. When Marcus' mother learned that she was with child she immediately knew him the father was and she was distraught. She wanted nothing to do with the spawn of the man who raped her. However, no matter how much she loathed the thing growing within her she could not bring herself to end her pregnancy. She bore Marcus and his twin sister, and brought them to be raised. Not only was Marcus' father overjoyed over his new bundle of joy, but so was his wife, who for years had tried to concieve.
At first, Marcus life was ideal. He had everything he needed or wanted. There was only one small problem. It was clear that Marcus and his sister had inherited their mother's magic. Their father tried to help them learn how to use their magic, but it soon became clear that he was ill equipped to such a task. Eventually, he concluded that his children's best chance was among their mother's people and with a heavy heart he shipped them back to their mother with an explantion behind his decision. Their mother was not happy with their return, but she could not deny their talent nor the fact that the coven was the best place for them to learn how to use their magic. However, this did not mean she would allow them to raise to any postion of important. She would only teach them the bare necessity--enough to be useful to the coven---and nothing more. Those within the coven followed their mother's example. They weren;t outright cruel to them, but it was clear they held no affection towards Marcus and his twin.
Marcus and his sister were perfectly aware of the disdain their mother and her people had for them, but because they believed the coven was the best place to learn how to use their magic they endured their coldness. It didn't take them long to realize that the coven was holding back on their teachings. They had thought that while they held great disdain towards them that the coven would help them reach their full potential. While both Marcus and his sister were upset by this realization they had didn't reaction towards it. His sister decided that if they were perfectly behaved that eventually the coven would see them as more than their father's spawn. Marcus thought differently. He doubted anything they did would change the coven's opinion of them. He concluded that the only way they could reach their full potential was teach themselves, and he did just that. He taught himself through a combation of reading, watching, and just plain trial and error. Marcus knowing his sister couldn't resist learning whatever she was shown showed her any new trick he discovered.
Upon discovering what Marcus and his sister were doing the coven decided that it was time the twins took their oaths and become offical members of the coven. The reason behind this decision was simply to limit their powers. Alone no coven witch was more powerful than the next. They could cast spells alone, but the more powerful the spell the more member of the coven they needed to cast it. They claimed that this made them more powerful than solo witches, but there were many whom disagreed with this sentiment. This wasn't the only way that a coven's witch power could be limited. A high priestess could turn any witch within her coven into a conduit---someone which magic could flow through but had no access to that magic. They could not cast spells. Their mother hoped by having them take the oath that she could effectively turn them into conduit.
Suspecting what they intended, Marcus told his sister not swear the oath, but she didn't listen to him. Perhaps, she thought he was mistaken or perhaps she was still playing upon the idea that if they were upon their best behavior that the coven would eventually regard them as more than their father's spawn. Marcus, on the other hand, refused. His magic was his identity, and he wasn't going to allow anyone to have control over it. They tried to convince him to take the oath, but when it became clear he wouldn't budge they declared him a warlock. He laughed at this because they had taught him that warlock meant oathbreaker and since he had neither taken nor broken any oath he could not by defination by one. The coven was completely outraged by his words. They declared him strigoi and toss him out into the cold. While warlocks were considered oathbreakers they still had access to the coven, and were in many ways still consider members. They were just ones whom didn't follows the rules. While they wouldn't admit this warlocks were considered an asset to a coven, and were often used as tools to give one coven an advantage over another. Strigoi, on the other hand, were completely cut off from a coven.
Suspecting what they intended, Marcus told his sister not swear the oath, but she didn't listen to him. Perhaps, she thought he was mistaken or perhaps she was still playing upon the idea that if they were upon their best behavior that the coven would eventually regard them as more than their father's spawn. Marcus, on the other hand, refused. His magic was his identity, and he wasn't going to allow anyone to have control over it. They tried to convince him to take the oath, but when it became clear he wouldn't budge they declared him a warlock. He laughed at this because they had taught him that warlock meant oathbreaker and since he had neither taken nor broken any oath he could not by defination by one. The coven was completely outraged by his words. They declared him strigoi and toss him out into the cold. While warlocks were considered oathbreakers they still had access to the coven, and were in many ways still consider members. They were just ones whom didn't follows the rules. While they wouldn't admit this warlocks were considered an asset to a coven, and were often used as tools to give one coven an advantage over another. Strigoi, on the other hand, were completely cut off from a coven.
The coven believed that after awhile Marcus would come crawling back and beg to take the oath. This did not happen because while he did not have the protection of the coven he didn't have their disdain either, and he found indescribable pleasure with that knowledge. Not only take as a strigoi he could take his magic to whatever height he wanted. Nothing was forbidden to him, He didn't have to dabble within forbidden magic, but the idea that he could if he wished was thrilling. He tried to convince his sister to join him, but she refused. It wasn't because she believed if she behaved good enough that the coven would change their opinion of her. She had given up on such notions. There were, however, some member whom had become quite fond of her. In fact, she had decided to marry one of them and they were expecting their first child. Marcus was overjoyed for her. He knew how much she wanted to be a mother, and there was no doubt within his mind that she would be a great one.
It quickly became clear that the pregnancy was a difficult one that ended up costing Marcus' sister her life, and to add salt to injury her newborn son wouldn't survive the process either. In fact, he was born dead. No matter how much Marcus and his sister's husband pleaded with the coven to save her life they refused. Marcus knew the reason behind their decision. She was not one of them. She would never be accepted as one of them. No matter what she did she would be regarded as a monster. They both would be regarded as such. He concluded that if he was going to be accused of being a monster he might as well be one. While before he had dabbled into forbidden magics out of curiousty, he now dove head first into them as a big fuck you to the coven. He was not alone in his outraged. His sister' husband shared his feelings. He declared himself a warlock who skirted the line to becoming a strigoi.
Marcus has become quite imfamous. Many seek him out. Some because they wish to recieve his aid in some manner, but his help always comes at a great cost. Often they decide that his price are more than they are willing to pay and attempt to find a way out of paying, but they always end up paying what they owe plus interest. Others seek him out to make a name for themselves. Some by slaying. Others by taming. Or perhaps, they merely desire to make the world a better place by either removing or subduing all the monsters they can. Whatever the reasons behind their intentions none have succeeded. Many he renders obsolete in some manner. Whether he outright kills them or turns them into a mindless servant depends on his mood. Others he toy with for awhile before they end up suffering the same fate as those whom he renders obsolete right away. Then there are a select few that he ends up transforming into a vampire. Through, it isn't always the slayers or tamers he grants this particular gift to. He will give it to anyone whom possess a certain spark.
Many outside the coven consider strigoi to be just another word for vampire, but the truth is they are entirely different beings. Strigoi are merely witches whom have completely shunned or been shunned by coven society. While it is said that strigoi completely embrace forbidden magic many don't. There are a number of strigoi who practice what many consider to be white magic rather than the black one that Marcus is known for. Of course, there are those like Marcus who uses blood and other forbidden methods to augement their powers. They don't need these things to survive. Vampires, on the other, hand need blood to survive and they suffer from many of the weaknesses that the stories claim they have. Unlike, strigoi vampires can be made through bite. In fact, most come to being in this manner. This is because it takes some time for a vampire to control the level of toxin within their bite, and too much toxin will either kill or transform a person. Through, it is unclear while some die from too much toxin and others become vampires themselves.
Marcus does nothing to correct anyone's misunderstand of what he is. Sometimes, he'll even play up on the idea that many consider strigoi just another word for vampires. He even have blood dolls. There are no shortage of people willing to throw themselves at him over the honor of becoming his blood doll, but rarely does he grant them the gift of immortality and if he does it is never in the manner they hoped. This doesn't stop them from trying and it just adds another reason to the list why a hunter might seek him out.
Many outside the coven consider strigoi to be just another word for vampire, but the truth is they are entirely different beings. Strigoi are merely witches whom have completely shunned or been shunned by coven society. While it is said that strigoi completely embrace forbidden magic many don't. There are a number of strigoi who practice what many consider to be white magic rather than the black one that Marcus is known for. Of course, there are those like Marcus who uses blood and other forbidden methods to augement their powers. They don't need these things to survive. Vampires, on the other, hand need blood to survive and they suffer from many of the weaknesses that the stories claim they have. Unlike, strigoi vampires can be made through bite. In fact, most come to being in this manner. This is because it takes some time for a vampire to control the level of toxin within their bite, and too much toxin will either kill or transform a person. Through, it is unclear while some die from too much toxin and others become vampires themselves.
Marcus does nothing to correct anyone's misunderstand of what he is. Sometimes, he'll even play up on the idea that many consider strigoi just another word for vampires. He even have blood dolls. There are no shortage of people willing to throw themselves at him over the honor of becoming his blood doll, but rarely does he grant them the gift of immortality and if he does it is never in the manner they hoped. This doesn't stop them from trying and it just adds another reason to the list why a hunter might seek him out.
Face Portrayed by: Federico Massaro
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